Angular 17 Installation and Setup guide

Angular 17 Installation and Setup guide


1 min read

Prerequisites: Node must be installed in your pc. To check node is installed in pc, open command prompt and enter :

If in the above version number don't appear ,then you should install from the following link: Nodejs .

Now with that let's install angular

Step 1. Open command prompt and enter the following commands.

npm install -g @angular/cli

->Here -g will install it globally inside the local machine.

Step 2. To check angular is installed successfully or not . Run this command in terminal.

ng version or ng v

It will look like this ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚.

Step 3: Now we will create a new angular project.

ng new myProject

It will take some time depending your internet speed.

Step 4 .Open the project directory with vs code

This will be the folder structure. Here in src folder app is the root component.

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